This web site offers timely reviews of movies as well as local New York theatre, concerts and visual arts, some idiosyncratic blogs, enjoyable and witty informational books on everything from Computer Humanistic studiers to Stuttering, Madness, Genius, Thomas Jefferson, Work, Douglas Fairbanks, Eros, Silent Films, Star Trek, Labor Unions and sports.
The books on Eros and Work should have a general appeal; others will be more recondite. The entertaining quality of writing on the niche books will amuse a reader who normally might find these subjects boring. There will also be MP3s of music I’ve created as pianist, guitarist, sometimes even as singer along with some sheet music. I’m including some books of friends dead, not computer literate or otherwise cannot do for themselves what I’m doing for them.
All this material is free for you to download for personal use. You cannot use them otherwise without acknowledging your source, asking and getting my permission for such use. Surfers are as well enjoined from any commercial utility of these materials. I retain all copyrights to everything I?ve created; my friends keep their copyrights too.
Enjoy! This site isn’t about money; it’s hopefully about influence and generosity.